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Past event

Northern Power 13.2.2025

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Past event

Welco­me to the big­gest inter­na­tio­nal hydro­gen event in Nort­hern Fin­land!

Are you looking for business partners or investment options in green industry? We invite you to visit Oulu and the Nordic Hydrogen Week in February 2025. The Nordic Hydrogen Week event participants are well-versed in hydrogen matters, and the annual gathering of approximately 1,000 hydrogen professionals dives deeper into the critical substance issues of the hydrogen business than typical seminars and exhibitions.

The third edi­tion of Nort­hern Power will focus on pre­sen­ting the brigh­test Nor­dic hydro­gen pro­jects and lear­nings of real-life hydro­gen cases in Arc­tic Nor­dics. We will showca­se TOP-10 hydro­gen pro­jects from the Nor­dic count­ries. To unders­tand how the glo­bal hydro­gen mar­kets are evol­ving, we are sha­ring the most up-to-date gree­tings from lea­ding inter­na­tio­nal hydro­gen experts across the hydro­gen value chain. Nort­hern Power Busi­ness Forum is part of the Nor­dic Hydro­gen Week on Februa­ry 11-13, 2025.

What can you expect from Nort­hern Power Busi­ness Forum?

  • Inter­na­tio­nal Key­no­tes
  • The industry’s lea­ding experts sha­re their know­led­ge of the cur­rent sta­te and futu­re pros­pects of the hydro­gen busi­ness.
  • B2B Match­ma­king & Networ­king
  • Enterpri­se Euro­pe Network orga­ni­ses match­ma­king at Nort­hern Power 2025. Par­tici­pa­ting in a match­ma­king is a con­ve­nient and efficient met­hod to con­nect with poten­tial part­ners for col­la­bo­ra­tion.
  • TOP-10 Hydro­gen Pro­jects
  • We will showca­se TOP-10 hydro­gen pro­jects from the Nor­dic count­ries, i.e. pro­jects in the Port of Oulu, Pyy­ry­väi­nen, Laa­ni­la, Kemi, Tor­nio, Simo, Vaa­la, Uta­jär­vi, Haa­pa­ve­si, and the Nor­dic Hydro­gen Rou­te.
  • Hydro­gen Fleet Expo
  • Explo­re cur­rent hydro­gen rela­ted inno­va­tions and meet our hydro­gen exhi­bi­tors.

Let’s build the futu­re of sus­tai­nable ener­gy toget­her!